The Ceiba Programme is designed to support individuals as they build futures for themselves in the community. It is delivered by trained and dedicated staff in the belief that in partnership with our stakeholders our Service Users goals can be achieved.

   Our Programme consists of an Initial assessment, Service Proposal, Vector Planning, Service User Profile, Advanced Support Plan, Personal Goal Planning and Risk Assessment.

 The Ceiba Programme is designed for Adult Service Users (18-65 years old and 65+) within these bands:

-  Mental Health

-  People with an eating disorder

-  Learning difficulties or autistic spectrum disorder

-  People detained under the Mental Health Act

-  People who misuse drugs or alcohol

-  Sensory impairment

-  Physical disability

Initial Assessment

   The first step is for us to meet with the Service User to introduce ourselves and talk about the Ceiba Programme. At this meeting we will give them a copy of our assessment tool. This allows the Service User to have time to understand the things we will want to talk about and if they choose to discuss it with others. This ensures that the views of the Service User are considered rather than just being a reaction in a meeting which can be a pressurised situation. Once they familiarise themselves with the assessment tool a meeting for an initial Assessment is organised. We discuss with the Service User their expectations and goals in the 4 key areas of their lives. Health and well-being, managing their home, finance/budgeting and social integration. These discussions enable us to create a framework for rehabilitation that is genuinely person centred and specific, measurable, achievable, reasonable and timed.

Service Proposal

   Our Service proposal is prepared by the Operations Manager for the commissioning agency/social worker. It identifies the agreed areas of work and risk and outlines the proposed solutions and strategies. The Service proposal gives a breakdown of the costings and the day to day activity that the costs relate to.

Vector Planning

   Partnership is key to the success of the Ceiba programme. Whilst the Service Users views are at the centre of planning all stakeholders will have their own desired outcomes and their own concerns. It is important that everyone involved has an opportunity to express their aims and ambitions for the rehabilitation programme. At times these desired outcomes may differ. Vector planning allows us to identity where they are shared and where they might not be. Identifying areas where there may be disagreement before beginning a programme gives the best opportunity of reaching a compromise and avoiding conflict in the future. Vector planning works very simply. All stakeholders state their priorities in key areas. Professionals are included in this process as they are a crucial component of any programme. When these plans are compared the areas where there is concordance becomes part of the advanced support Plan. If there are areas where there is divergence they will be raised in the vector planning review. We will then have discussions around these issues and look for a compromise agreement or at least an understanding of the views of others.

Service User Profile

   We work with the Service User to create their Service User profile. This enables the Service User to tell us their likes and dislikes, preferences, interests hobbies and any other information they would like to share with us. It also incorporates necessary information regarding medical history, allergies, GP's address, emergency contact details etc.

Advanced Support Plan

   The Support plan is the vehicle by which the Service User identifies their aims and ambitions. Relevant professionals and clinicians may also be involved in creating the support plan. It outlines the agreed day to day activity by which these goals will be achieved. The support plan is also a working document for staff that ensures consistency of approach. Recording by staff relates directly to the support plan and the Service Users goals. This is essential as the support plan is also a tool for reviewing how the programme is functioning and what progress is being made. We recognise that change is a good thing and we want the Service Users support plan to change with them. For this reason we review progress on the support plan with the Service User and involved professionals on a monthly basis.

Personal Goal Planning

   Where the support plan deals with day to day practicalities of building a life in the community personal goal planning is an opportunity for Service Users to work on their long term ambitions. It also allows Service Users to be imaginative and creative when thinking what they want for the future. By knowing precisely what we want to achieve, we know better how to achieve it so staff work with the Service User to produce a personal goal plan that not only encompasses their ambitions but identifies possible routes by which they may be realised.

Risk Assessment

   The ultimate aim of Ceiba is that as far as possible Service Users gain the experience and knowledge by which they can manage their own risk. The degree to which this is possible will vary from individual to individual depending on capacity but should remain an objective. For this reason, where possible Service Users are involved in constructing risk management strategies. Ceiba has a robust risk assessment process but we recognise that management of risk should not preclude experiential learning unless it is essential. Risks identified for the Service User are also recorded as part of the Advance support Plan.

Positive Exit/Support on Demand

   At Ceiba we believe that the exit strategy should not be an add on but an integral part of the programme from day one. Everything we do is directed toward the point where the Service User can live the life they choose as independently as possible. This entails taking positive steps to avoid the Service User becoming dependent of the agency and making decisions based on the needs of the agency rather than their own. We are aware how difficult it can be for Service Users to believe they have any degree of autonomy when their lives are structured around their support. It is for this reason that Ceiba has introduced an ‘on demand’ service for Service Users where it is agreed with everyone involved that it is appropriate. All that is required is that the Service Users contacts the office and books their support for the time that fits in with their plans. This allows Service Users to arrange support around the activities they choose, going to the cinema, doing the shopping, social events etc. We require two week notice and it is subject to staff availability but it does create a situation where they can plan their lives around their own timetable rather than ours. We see this as an important part of changing the relationship between the Service User and their support needs and giving them as greater degree of control as is possible.

Ceiba is a large tree growing in tropical areas. A tree which is commonly called tree of life. It has an umbrella shape crown that protects and large buttress roots that provide stability in bad weather. Ceiba Community Support Ltd is registered in England and Wales No: 09541286.

(c) 2015 Ceiba Community Support Ltd.